The Man Effect

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Masculinity And The Art Of Asking Questions. Round 2

This whole article is based on the current results of a survey The Man Effect started in early April 2018. So, if you have not yet had a chance to take this survey on masculinity please take a couple moments out of your day, click the button below and go take it. 

Now, if you have taken the survey you can check out the first round of results by checking out, "Masculinity And The Art Of Asking Questions." If you have done this already, or now you are back to this page let us proceed with the most recent results I have processed. 

As you review the information I have curated from the data collected, I would like for you to take the following points into consideration. 

  • This is not a scientifically sound survey.
  • At the point of this data being processed, there was a total of 550 submissions.
  • There are many variables to this data so it is not a perfect representation.
  • We have created these graphs and images to help spur a discussion around what we have observed from the current submissions to the survey. 

Okay! So, if you understand and acknowledge the above points I think we can now proceed. In the following graphs, I have decided to represent the information in two main ways. By relationship status and age. 

We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Also it would help us out a lot if you could share this article! Without any further ado here are some more results from the survey. 

Data on Sex & Age

The following information is focused on observing the Sex and Age of the those who submitted and what their ideas and beliefs are based on these restrictions. 

Graph #1

As you can see predominantly at this point most of our data comes from men between the ages of 20-49. We would like to get a strong woman presence in this survey but for the time being we will work with what we got. 

Graph #2

This comparison of the two questions do you think healthy and toxic masculinity exist? The data is so exposing of the imbalance we have on perspectives. If one exists so should the other. In admitting one exists you are accepting the fact that there is a spectrum of masculinity with a toxic and healthy side. 

What do you think? 

Graph #3

It seems that the older you get the more you value gender up to 60 years old which is fun. Also, it seems to be universally agreed upon no matter what age that masculinity has an impact on society. Yet, in the same breath that people say masculinity has an impact most generally disagree that masculinity is a social construct. 

Graph #4

Overall it seems most of society believes that men should be able to display emotion. YET, there is still a cultural stigma in western societies for men who display emotions. Why do you think that is? 

Data on Relationship Status

The following graphs and data is presented to represent that which each relationship status group thought. 

Graph #1

As you look and observe the following graphs take into account this one as it is crucial in looking at what follows. 

Graph #2

It seems that in general society wants to believe that healthy masculinity exists more than toxic. 

Graph #3

What about this graph sticks out to you the most? Why does it surprises you?

I find that even though most people do not verbally say it, strength is an attribute that they correlate with a masculine nature. 

Graph #4

Honestly, every graph I make and observe I become more and more speechless.

As you can see in general as a group most believe gender does matter. Now I know that question was a bit unspecific, but still such an interesting thing to be observed. 

Submitted Comments

The following comments are from people who took the survey and wanted to share their beliefs and ideas. I will not be able to represent everyone who did the, but I wanted to share some of the thoughts that were articulated. 

I have not edited what was submitted outside of slight readability and grammar. 

  • I think masculinity is a harmful construction used primarily to oppress those who are seen as not "masculine". to me, anything that can create better men can probably benefit women and those who don't fall into the masculine/feminine binary, so why create a separate group for it? seems more like more "separate but equal" reasoning which I think is harmful. I say all this with love (frustration and annoyance).

    That being said, I'm sure this comes from a good place and I commend you for taking action on what you think is right and important. best of luck!
  • Men in today's culture don't realize that they can't "prove" their masculinity by "doing things". And a lot of them can't accept their masculinity because they doubt it and that causes a lot of men to retreat in isolation and fear of each other. There's shame surrounding being honest, which provides a deep connection that all men need with each other.
  • Claiming that gender is only a social construct is in my opinion largely part of our problem.
  • There are extremes of masculinity both each way. They are not the norm. In a time of extremism and wild opinions drowning out the normal day to day man, this should be noted.
  • I think that true masculinity is men being true to their individual character, heart and soul. It is about inner strength and honor and being true to one's self and values always at all times. That being said, I believe that femininity is the same for females. I also believe that there is a difference that gets blurred and distorted between being masculine or feminine and being a gentleman or a lady. You can be one without being the other, just as you can be both or neither.
  • I honestly believe and have yet to be proven wrong, that masculinity without morality is a mute point! Any male human being can be considered masculine if he is strongest than the opposite sex, or grows more facial hair than another male, or is able to have sex with a woman.. however true masculinity exhibits moral restraint, a gentle husband, who can defend his family, a proud father that can build and construct, a hormone filled human being that exhibits discipline for his wife! Morality with strength is true masculinity!
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