The Man Effect

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What Are You Going To Do?

History asks what would you do. Present day asks what are you going to do?

We are constantly in the face of shape-shifting political dilemmas. Yes, this might be the biggest joke of an election to date for the U.S., but I don't care to talk about that. What I want to focus on is the fact that America is doing the same shit it has done for generations over and over again. For example, have you heard or read anything about what's happening with the Standing Rock issue right now? Check the link out to get you started with some idea of what is going on.

"True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else."
~Clarence Darrow~

We are quite literally oppressing the very people we claimed to have made peace with; we are forcing them into submission, arresting those who disagree, handing out prison sentences to people who can't afford a lawyer, showering rubber bullets on "peaceful" protesters, and baptizing multitudes with mace. Is this a country you want to be a part of? Just think about the oppression you don't see going on. Reflect on the fact that when the government makes these overt power plays on its people, it has to be doing so much more behind the scenes. Now I know I am not sure of all the facts. I know there is more to the story that I could be aware of, but that doesn't help my sense of powerlessness. I feel betrayed by the educational system that formulated the foundations of my perception of the country I reside in. 

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest."
~Elie Wiesel~

How is it possible to be so convoluted in one's beliefs to think that history will not repeat itself. Who wrote history? Who taught it to us? Why is the past full of injustice and pain? 

Watching this event unfold and being faced with the internal struggle of what I should do has scathed me. I do not want to be a man who says "Oh I remember when that happened." I would prefer to be a man who says "Oh I remember being a part of that." What if I take action though and I end up in jail for ten years? What if I am at the wrong place at the wrong time and my life gets vaporized by the laser beam of the U.S. government. Is that worth it? Should an individual make a more calculated stand or just jump in with the small mass of humans attempting to make a stand? 

The reason I am bringing this topic to the table is this. What are you going to do? What am I going to do? What are we capable of doing? Well, I know I  am capable of writing an article, post it on my website, and then try and decide if I am going to take any other action. So that is what I am doing. 

What would the great men of history do in our times right now? Would they do anything? Are these "great" humans from the past any different than us?  I feel that some more quotes could be appropriate at this point.

"Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war." 
~Lucius Annaeus Seneca~

"Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity."
~Lou Holtz~

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. "
~Martin Luther King, Jr.~

I feel like this is more of a venting rant than anything, but I would like to see more social activism be present in my life and those around me. The delicacy of our country needs to be shaken with the simple earthquake of the people who are not willing to stand for injustice. As men, really just as human beings are we going to stand by and watch or do something?

What are your thoughts? 



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