The Man Effect

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How To Become A Man Of Action Step 2 Create A Strong Vision

Time and time again I run into men who struggle with finding the motivation to get up and actually take action in life. So, I started an ongoing series to help men who struggle with this. I wanted to create practical tools and ways for men to get a jump start in their life. 

As you can see this is Step 2. If you have not had a chance yet to read Step 1 Click on the button below. And after you have finished you can check out Step 3 if you want. 

Okay, so if you have read step one and are now back, what I wanted to dive into for step two of becoming a man of action, is your vision. I know I know this sounds like simple self-help jargon that every motivational speaker preachers more adamantly than your mother who told you to brush your teeth every night. 

The thing is your vision for life is a POWERFUL motivator in life. It is the gasoline to your engine. Without a vision chances of you being a man of action are pretty slim. Why? Because of the number of obstacles and fear, you will face when working towards your vision will test the amount of desire and perseverance you truly have. 

If you are still holding onto a childhood dream for some ungodly reason go read, "Why I Burned My Childhood Dreams." If you have some old dreams that are holding you back, go read this article, "Why I want men to let certain dreams die."

A belief and quote that I wrote on this topic a while back I find extremely applicable in this situation. Let's jump in! 

" If your dream doesn't motivate you to push through pain, fear, and discomfort, then its not a real dream its a disadvantage." — Timothy Wenger

I truly hold to this belief. You see, many people have dreams of starting a business, going skydiving, or moving to another city but often these ideas are never acted upon. So, I wanted to help address this and give you some tools if you have found yourself in that place. 

I have compiled a list for beginners to take practical steps in developing a vision. Below is that list, I hope you take them seriously as this is something that has been a powerful tool in my own life. 

Step 1: Create a space.

Find a quiet room, a place in the countryside, or just somewhere that you have some time and space to think.  If you want some chill music on do that. What is important is that you are in a place where you can be that no one will distract you. Also put your phone on do not disturb. 

Make sure to block out 1-2hours. This will take out the stress of other pressures. Have a notepad or a voice recorder. Just figure out a way to record this whole session. 

Step 2: Find your ideal man.

Once you have settled into your distraction-free space the first thing you are going to do is visualize and focus in on what your ideal man is. What do I mean by ideal man? I mean the man that you want to become, the man that you respect, the man that you dream of becoming. If you need to close your eyes do so.

Visualize this man in your head. Find him, hone in on him, and let all other things, distractions, and thoughts be put to the side. 

Step 3: Describe the ideal man.

Now, This is where it gets fun! You will now begin to describe this ideal man. Answer the following questions as in-depth as you can. Do not hold back, and if you feel shame about what you envision that most likely is a sign that you are being honest with yourself. 

Write down, record, or draw this ideal man. Just find a way to paint this image tangibly. 

  • What is he wearing?
  • Where is he located?
  • What are his physical surroundings? 
  • What is he doing for a profession? 
  • What is he feeling in that moment?
  • What is he saying to himself in his head at that moment? 
  • Does he have a family?
  • What type of energy is he emanating?
  • What has he accomplished? 
  • What do his friends say about him?

These are just a few questions you can start with. Feel free to ask yourself more questions and articulate as much as you can about this ideal man. The more in-depth the better. 

Step 4: Evaluate your actions. 

Now that you have this written down and thought out this ideal man. I want you to take this end goal and use it as a map. Ask yourself the following questions now that you know where you want to head. 

  • Are my actions today going to help me towards becoming that ideal man?
  • What is my plan to become this man?
  • What do I need to do to start heading in the right direction?
  • Do I know anyone who is going in the direction I want to go? How can I ask for help?

Essentially, now that you know where you want to go it is time to start planning the journey so that taking action is a tangible reality.

Step 5: Start today. 

If you have done steps 1-4 now you are ready to start taking action today! The fun part of this whole journey is that it isn't about making massive steps every day. NO, it is about making consistent normal steps every day. 

This could look like researching a potential business market, to moving to another town where you have always wanted to live. The thing about making your dreams happen is choosing to stop making excuses, allow yourself to fail, and just keep trying no matter what. 

This is a classic quote that 100% applies to this scenario. 

" The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." —Lao Tzu

Step 6: Maintenance. 

This journey is a continuous process. Your vision of an ideal man will grow and develop with you. Somethings will fall by the wayside while new desires will arise. This is totally normal and healthy. BUT, if you do not take time to work and develop your vision of who you want to become then this will not happen. 

YOU NEED TO BE INTENTIONAL. Whenever you get own about where you are at in life, focus on your vision of an ideal man. When a business sale falls through ask yourself how would this ideal man react. 

Allow your vision to grow like a tree, let it take a life of its own. 


I find that the people who have the most articulate vision for their life are those who take the most action. They know what they want and this allows them to know what it is going to take to get there. 

" Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." —Carl Jung

I hope you take the time to go through all these simple steps and create a healthy vision for your life. IF you have any questions or thoughts please comment below! 

With regards,


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