I would not be who I am today without the friends that surround me. Yes, my family has been important as well, but emotional richness, strength, and the real vitality friendship has brought me seems never to lack the attribute of surprise.
Do men need authentic friends?
If I was to walk up to a complete stranger and ask them "Do men need authentic friends?" I highly doubt that they would say "No." Yet, how society and the western culture I am a part of yells ever so aggressively the opposite of this hypothetical strangers answer.
5 Things I Do To Help Me Tackle Hard Decisions.
One thing I have been learning about life as a young man is that I am in a constant squall of decisions that are assaulting my life waiting for me to give them attention. I know my life could be more complicated and challenging, but that does not belittle the magnitude of intensity I feel when faced with life altering decisions I am confronted with on a regular basis. I am confident that the tide of hard decisions will only rise as my life continues, so this is an area of life I constantly try to tackle head on.