If you were to describe what it means to be a man in one word, what would it be and why?
"I would choose the word understanding... I pick that because with being a man it seems like so many men are flipping it how i think it should be. Is that their seeking to be understood and then to understand, when its far more relatable and far more productive just being with other people to seek to understand first and then to be understood...
When you sit back and listen for a little bit you can hear some ideas you never thought of. This might change your whole outlook or you will start hearing a lot of stuff and be able to pick up on bullshit better."
Word: Understanding
Occupation: Photojournalist
Age: 22
From: Kansas City, Missouri
Who is the manliest person you know and why?
"It is really hard for me to pick one...
I might have to say that back in the day at summer camp there was a group of three counselors that I look back on. They were really solid and in tandem together really gave a good example to us. At the time I was like 16 or 17 and you know that is a tumultuous time for any guy growing up and just kinda having those guys for two weeks out of the summer, you got to see really solid stuff come out of them."
What do you think healthy masculinity looks like?
"I guess I could answer that in I guess in describing in contrast to stuff that we are seeing today. Like we got some legacy celebrity and politicians and stuff getting knocked down from their unchecked masculinity for so long. So we are starting to see now what a lot of unhealthy masculinity looks like. On like an extreme side..."
What advice would you give your younger self about masculinity?
"I would tell myself that I cant find what masculinity is outside of myself. I gotta find it inside myself to establish who I am centered. And then bring that out into the world. Not take things from outside and try to make that what I am on the inside."