If you were to describe what it means to be a man in one word, what would it be and why?
"I would choose the word chivalrous. Because for me, I think that is what the world needs most sometimes. Because chivalry is mostly dead among men. Now, I don't mean that white knight in shining armor kind of thing but chivalry would be what a man needs to be. So you treat those below you and those weaker than you with respect, and you protect them in all ways. They may not be "weaker" directly and not literally but you always need to think of those who are worse off than you, those who are below you in any way, again not below you in like social standards or anything. In any way that someone is worse off than you, you try to help them, and it's also how am I going to treat women."
Word: Chivalrous
Occupation: Digital Advertising Manager
Age: 25
Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Who is the manliest person you know and why?
"I would choose my father honestly that's because he is even bigger than me actually like like physically he is a mountain of a man, but he is such a kind person who has been through so much shit in his life. Yet, he is still one of the nicest and kindest people I know. He is always there to help, and he is very reliable. That is something I have always admired about him. We often clash because we are the same person or at least everybody says that we are the same and we are both stubborn. But at the end of the day, he is a person I look up to the most. When I am in a difficult situation or time I often ask myself how would my father react if he were in my shoes."
If there was one thing in your culture that you could change or help influence for the better In regards to masculinity what would it be?
"It would be how we treat women because people here it can be quite chauvinistic. And it is present across all layers of society, and it's a stupid example but one of my female friends used to work in a big telecommunications company, it is one of the biggest in our country and their director will not allow men to pick up a phone because it's a woman's job and it's a woman's voice the customer should hear. For me this is unacceptable, and I believe society should not work this way and this type of actions is quite present here."