The journey of life is intense, and as a man, if I did not believe in myself when necessary I am unsure of where my life would be. After years and years of self-doubt, I have finally started to make moves in my personal and professional life that is enthralling. Self-belief has seemed to be a major player in me taking significant steps in the directions needed in my life.
So what is self-belief? Well, it is the opposite of self-doubt but also clinging to the gold that is within one's self. It resides on the opposite side of the river of fears and lies. Seriously, the more self-belief I have developed and grown is mainly through the slaying of lies, fears, and insecurities. How does one go about that you might be asking? Here are a few tips I have found very productive for myself even if they seem cheesy.
Seriously, taking the time to figure out what you want in life, how you want to be, then writing it down and reading it or speaking it out loud every time you are starting to get discouraged or of course is life changing. I chose to write a letter to myself before making a hard decision that I had been thinking about for years. This letter has been my lifeline through the hard times, and the more I read it, the more I have been believing in myself and doing what I want and needed to do.
Taking action.
The hypotheticals in life very rarely if ever help build your self-belief. You know what does? Doing something, taking the time to figure it out, and accomplishing a goal even if it as small as changing a tire. Action breeds confidence and self-belief, especially when you take steps to face your fears. If you want some ideas of how to take action to build your confidence click HERE.
I have made the conscious decision to surround myself with people who are either headed in the direction I want to go or are already where I want to be at in life. This empowers me to fight the immature victim mentality that destroys self-belief. I also stay away from media that is negative and consume content that is empowering and motivating.
I am sure there are other ways to grow self-belief as a man. What do you do? Is this something you have consciously thought about before?
With regards,