I need help. Someone, please swoop in and tell me what to do with my life. I feel powerless. I want to give up. Why is it so hard to live.
These are just a few of the doubts and fears I have had to face on a consistent basis walking through the dimly lit existence people so willingly call life. It has without biased humbled me in respects to believing that the world is just waiting to be conquered by the whim of my sporadic unsolidified motivation. Even though the struggle of failure is real; seeing beyond the immediate pain of my daily monotony, there is a grand scope of strengths and knowledge delving into the depths of my being, uninvited, unseen, and dispersing nutrients for the journey ahead of me.
One subtle encounter that changed my life came from a simple email I received from a man I respect. I had reached out to him because I had just reached a milestone in my project that was exciting to me. He responded with some simple encouragement and then at the very end of the email this line was inserted. "Don’t let up. You are Sisyphus pushing the rock up the mountain every day. Learn to enjoy that grind."