It has been one of my strongest desires with starting The Man Effect to help encourage men to be authentic and more present. Well, I was talking to one of my cousins who is a therapist, and we were discussing psychology and life in general. That is when being present came up in our conversation, and it inspired me to want to write an article to encourage men to grow in this arena and give them practical tips on how to do so.
37 Killer Quotes To Encourage You In Facing Problems And Adversity
Life has been known to throw a few problems at those going through it. Yet, the men who face, overcome, and do not cower in the presence of adversity. They grow exponentially, and the life they live is different than those who do not.
I am curious to know, have you encountered hardship and problems as I have? I mean there is no way I can be the only human on this earth! HA
Masculinity coaching and why men should consider hiring a life coach.
I had just watched one of my close friends go through a painful divorce and could not fathom how he was still holding on. We regularly talked throughout the process, and I watched him keep pushing and not give up. Later on, when I was thinking and reflecting on this painful experience he was going through I suddenly remembered, he had hired a life coach and spoke so highly of him.
I remember thinking how cynical I was of the term "life coach" and how I felt I knew my judgments were accurate.
How To Become A Man Of Action Step 1
Have you ever wished to become a man of action?
Why? Is it out of regret? Or longing for a fuller life? Or is it motivated by fear of missing out on life?
These are all critical questions to ask before you start seeking the motivation to be a man who is known to get things done.
15 Ways You Can Become More Confident As A Man.
Have you ever had the thought, "If only I were more confident as a man then I would get that raise at work, the pretty girl would give me attention, or I would be able to pitch my business idea and find investors."
Let's be honest at some point in life if you probably had some form of thought along those lines.
The desire and value of confidence is something spread far and wide throughout men. Sure they might not overtly say, "I wish I was more confident." But the thought is there.
7 Creative Ways To Improve Life That Most Men Are Missing.
There and millions of boys and young men growing up with only a mother, and those who do have fathers chances are high that they are not emotionally present.
Have you ever looked into or researched how vital the father plays in the emotional and social development of a child?
Well, I think before we dive into some creative ways for men to improve life it is important to understand where this immaturity may be coming from and why it is crucial to develop maturity so we can help prevent the some of the next generations from experiencing these struggles.
13 Ways For Young Men To Mature And Conquer Extended Adolescence
Some call it prolonged adolescence others call it extended adolescence, regardless in my opinion immaturity has been bleeding into the early and mid-twenties in a way that is entirely new to the western culture. We have previously touched on this topic here "Why Prolonged Adolescence is the New Epidemic."
7 Practical Ways To Be An Authentic Man
My journey through the depths of the internet and books to find ways to be a more authentic man have made me realize something...
There is a lack of decent material out there for men seeking to better themselves. Sure you can find information on how to throw a tomahawk or how to shake a hand, but there is little to no content on how to become an emotionally intelligent authentic man.
Beginners guide on how to compliment women.
The art of a genuinely placed compliment to women is an essential skill of a well-rounded man. I am no professional, but I have seen the fruit from taking cognitive action in this arena. So, I wanted to share what I have learned.
Taking the time to compliment those around you will give you a tangible experience on the power of your words.
Masculinities Definition
For years and years I did not believe it was possible to define masculinity, but in the past months my perspective has changed, and I decided I would take the time to write down what my definition of masculinity currently is.
Now, before we proceed, I do want you to acknowledge with me that much of what a culture deems masculine is highly dependent upon the time period and the society that influences the people defining masculinity.
That being said out of the hundreds of conversations, books, podcasts, videos, and my own observations, I have spotted a pattern that I believe brings substantial merit to the discussion about masculinity.
Simple ways to become more masculine.
Looking masculine holds a powerful cultural context in today's day and age and trying to attain this look for some men is highly desired while others naturally fill the role.
I decided to write down some characteristics on how to look more masculine. I divided them into outer attributes and inner qualities that I believe will help you on your journey.
Taking the time to work on the internal qualities first allows you to build a healthy foundation, so you are not motivated from a place of insecurity. Work on your foundations of who you are, changing the outside has little to no fruit if you do not give proper attention to who you are internally.
5 Attributes of Authentic Masculinity
Authentic masculinity is a commodity desired heavily in western culture. With the increased exposure of sexual harassment and rise in advocacy for women's rights, there seems to be a decent amount of confusion around the topic of masculinity these days.
Now, I believe that many things define what makes a man, a man, but often this is something, not cognitively thought about, or given attention. There are many assumptions lived by in the realm of masculinity.
Masculinity and the art of giving advice.
The power of well placed and articulately delivered piece of advice is an integral part of being a mature society contributing man in my unsolicited opinion. To be asked the right question, given a bit of specific information to transform a mentality or swift kick in the butt; all of these are things I hope every human can experience.
Why I want men to let certain dreams die.
I was recently asked by a friend jovially what the quote of the day was, in response I thought I would attempt to create something original and out came this remark, "The best fertilizer for a new dream, is the carcass of an old one."
As these words came to my mind and I found myself communicating them, I discovered it resonated deeply with where I am at personally in my journey.
Why Wearing Confidence Is Worthwhile.
I have yet to meet a man who doesn't desire to feel confident in his skin and men who already feel confident I am sure they wouldn't mind a little more. I mean come on... that is like every mans dream; to feel a massive sense of confidence and exude it for others to see and feel.
So in general, when thinking about our life and style, the level of our confidence influences the decisions we make. Take a moment and ask yourself this, "When was the last time I chose not to do (Fill in the blank) was because I was not confident enough?" I think you may be surprised if you honestly assess yourself with this question.
Men, don't give up. Perseverance is worth it.
Take a moment right now, think, reflect, and consider the men in your life and the men of the past that you have respect, ask yourself what is a consistent thread that all these men have.
Chances are they will be dependable, honest, safe, respectable, and many other attributes, but here is the thing, none of these qualities are just handed out at the local charity. No, these core qualities are developed, earned, and built. The men who you respect have held onto their values, they have said no and yes when appropriate and stuck to their word.
Why I Wish Men Would Fight For Their Dreams.
There is an unlimited amount of potential power waiting to be tapped into merely by you choosing to show up on a daily basis.
Why am I trying to emphasize this? Because the amount of personal growth and internal power I have discovered by choosing to perform tasks that push me towards my dreams, actively, has without any question transformed my immediate world.
Why men of action earn respect.
Respect and being masculine go hand in hand.
The more a man is respected, the more he appears to others as being masculine.
Now I am not saying this is a 100% truth, but it is a working theory of mine.
You see a man who takes action and builds a business, asks for a raise, learns a new skill, or many other examples.
The thing is the man who does this creates a momentum of growing respect that others see and contribute to.
Dear 20-year-old punk... there is more to style than you think.
I have an investment opportunity for you. An opportunity other 20-something’s are passing up.
This investment can make you more money, get you a better job, land you a great relationship with a beautiful woman, and give you more self-confidence.
This investment is your appearance.
\\ 3 ways to break the feeling of being powerless in life. //
Are you sick of not feeling in control of your life?
Do you hate waking up in the morning because you don't want to go to work or face the day?
Have you spent your entire life trying to keep the peace?
Then what I am about to share most likely will speak to your core.
Sure, everyone has to do things they don't like and need a sense of finesse when navigating the storm of life. This doesn't mean you need to give up your internal power though....